Sexual Health

Our sexual health services include sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment, birth control, pregnancy testing, pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP and PrEP), care after sexual assault, evaluation of abnormal vaginal or penile discharge, evaluation of sexual dysfunction, pregnancy testing, and much more.

Healthy sexuality is a part of total wellness, and we believe that students, as adults, can make informed and good decisions about their sexual health. We are here to help.

We encourage students to practice safer sex, which means using barrier methods, such as condoms, with each sexual encounter. Most people who have an STI do not have any symptoms and may not know that they have an infection. This is how so many STIs are spread. Our clinic offers free condoms with no appointment needed.

Contraception (Birth Control)


There are many options for contraception, also known as birth control. Most individuals can find a method to best suit their preferences and personal lifestyle.

Emergency Contraception (AKA, Plan B) is contraception taken to prevent pregnancy AFTER unprotected sex. Our clinic stocks Plan B and students may schedule an appointment for a consultative visit. There is a small fee for the medication. Plan B is also available at most pharmacies without a prescription.

It is best to use Plan B as soon as possible after unprotected sex. It is not meant to be used as a primary method of birth control. If you are having sex or plan to have sex regularly, please inquire about a birth control consult at our clinic.

If you would like to get Plan B from our clinic, call our main number, and press the option to speak to a nurse so that we can get you in for the appointment ASAP.

Contraception (Birth Control) Options:

  • Hormonal implant (Nexplanon)
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Depo-Provera shot
  • Birth control pill
  • Vaginal ring
  • Birth control patch
  • Condoms

For a comprehensive listing of all the contraception options, detailed information on methods, personal stories, videos, women鈥檚 health blog posts, and birth control reminders, visit Bedsider at

A Few Words About Condoms. The only form of birth control that can protect against sexually transmitted infections is condoms. We strongly recommend using condoms or other barrier protection (e.g., dental dams) in addition to one of the more effective methods listed above for protection against STIs.

Condoms can be used alone for birth control, but their effectiveness is only about 87% with typical use. In addition, most people do not use condoms all the time, and sometimes they break. Relying on condoms alone for birth control is a bit risky, BUT they are the only method that protect against sexually transmitted infection.

STD/STI Education

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are very common. STDs pass from one person to another through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. STDs don鈥檛 always cause symptoms or may only cause mild symptoms. It is possible to have an infection and not know it. That is why getting an STD test is important if you are having sex. If you receive a positive STD diagnosis, know that all are treatable with medicine, and some are entirely curable. STDs are preventable. Click Here for more information. 

HIV Prevention/PrEP

PrEP stands for 鈥減re-exposure prophylaxis.鈥  This is a fancy way of describing medicines that can prevent you from getting HIV infection when taken before being exposed to the virus.

PrEP is about 99 % effective in reducing your chance of getting HIV infection if taken daily. It is designed for anyone who is sexually active and are at risk of contracting HIV infection, including:

  • Individuals who have multiple sex partners
  • Individuals who have vaginal and/or anal sex without consistent condom use
  • Men who have sex with men
  • Individuals who have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the past year
  • Persons who inject drugs
  • Individuals whose sexual partner is HIV-positive, or whose partner does not know their HIV status
  • Anyone who feels they might benefit from being on PrEP

Our clinic encourages all sexually active people to learn about PrEP and determine whether it is right for them. Consultation for PrEP can be done within the context of your clinic visit. There are many programs that can help patients get PrEP medications at little to no cost.

For more information about PrEP, please click the following:

STD/STI Testing

STD Testing

The AUCC-Student Health and Wellness Center offers free testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) three days per week at our clinic. This testing is done in collaboration with a community organization, called NAESM. Students scheduling through the must be asymptomatic (without any symptoms) and they will see one of the NAESM staff members. The STI Clinic offers rapid tests for HIV and syphilis. Testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea are also collected and sent out to the Georgia Department of Health. Appointments may be booked online (through the PNC student portal) or by calling our clinic.

Students who have symptoms, a recent STI exposure, or who want to be seen on days or times when the STI clinic is not available may see one of the doctors or nurse practitioners who staff our clinic for STI screening. These appointments may also be booked online in the .

To learn more about NAESM please visit:

Sexual Assault

The AUCC-Student Health and Wellness Center offers support to survivors of sexual violence, including any type of unwanted sexual encounter, by providing medical and behavioral (mental) health services. You may call our clinic to schedule an appointment.  Please CLICK HERE for more information and additional resources.